Irit Drob
Urban Wildlife Photographer
Nature Photos for sale
Jackals & other wild animals in Tel Aviv
Urban nature & wildlife photography
Interviews & Articles:
An article published on Ynet - "The relationship between the nature photographer and jackals, which ended in an exciting rescue" by Yogev Israeli (02/2024).
Interview in a t.v article on channel 11 news - Rubi Hammerschlag "A new pet? Researchers have found the first signs of jackal domestication in Israel" (10.06.2023).
Interview in a t.v article on channel 12 news -Yigal Mosko following the jackals "The jackals that roam the streets of Israeli cities" (05/07/2022).
An article published on TIME OUT website about jackals in the city: "no closures and no shoes: what brings the jackals en masse into the city"? By Tommy Stockman (10/2021).
An article published on Yedioth Ramat Gan - "Jackal dens were damaged during infrastructure works" / by Hila Davidi (2019).
A T.V. magazine article on channel 12 – "The corona is raging and nature is awakening: the animal street party” by Igal Mosko (04/2020).
An article published on "Yediot Ramat Gan" - “pesticide for thought” about the use in Roundup pesticide by Hila Davidi (2019).
An article published on "Yediot Ramat Gan" - “saving the jackal” by Hila Davidi (2019).
An article published on "Yediot Ramat Gan" - “an ugly fight” about the dog’s fights & jackals by Hila Davidi (2019).
An article published on "Yediot Ramat Gan"- “yes to the bird” about the straggle against parking lot in the "bird's head" area by Hila Davidi (2019).
An article published on "Yediot Ramat Gan" - “their nature” about the straggle against parking lot in the "bird's head" area by Hila Davidi (2019).
An article published on "Yediot Ramat Gan" - “There is no reason to mow” about lawn mowing in Yarkon park by Hila Davidi (2019).
An article published on the "Thepositive” - "The jackal's guardian of the center of Israel" by Rakefet Pere (2019).
A T.V. magazine article on channel 11 about "bad animals" on "Hadashot Kan" byZiv Reif (2018).
An article published on Ynet – “12 dead jackals on Yarkon Park” by Itay Blumenthal & Erez Erlichman (2018).
An article published on " Yediot Haharonot – Ramat Gan" – “In their nature - Green field warfare” in the matter of group of activists named "Guarding Yarkon park of all of us – rescuing the nature within the city” by Hila Davidi (2018).
An article published on "Ha-Aretz" – “Is Israel fostering urban nature or indeed annihilating it?” by Moshe Gilad (2018).
An interview on radio program "Hakol Beseder" by Aviv Lavi in the matter of Private events at the Rock Garden Yarkon Park (2018).
An article published on "Beshvil Ha-Aretz" magazine – “Destiny vaccine” by Israel Nature and Parks Authority (2018).
An interview on a radio program by Goel Pinto about my sole exhibition "Yarkon park – A vanishing urban nature". Took place in the Museum of Man and Animal life (2018).
An interview on radio Kol Natania by Avivit Luson about my sole exhibition "Yarkon park – A vanishing urban nature". Took place in the Museum of Man and Animal life (2018).
An interview on a "Riklin and Segal" TV program about my sole exhibition "Yarkon park – A vanishing urban nature". Took place in the Museum of Man and Animal life (2018).
An interviewed on Galit Gutman and Yoav Limor morning program on TV channel 12 about my sole exhibition "Yarkon park – A vanishing urban nature". Took place in the Museum of Man and Animal life (2018).
An article published on Ynet – “A wild surprise at the UN: a photo exhibition from Israel” by Erez Erlichman (2017).
A video interview "Yediot Haharonot" in the matter of jackals in the Yarkon by Feigie Stern & Tal Shahar (2017).
An article published on Ynet – “The nature photographer who fell in love with the wildlife in the Yarkon Park” about my Sole exhibition “wild nature in the big city - Yarkon park” that Took place in Yahalom Theatre by Erez Erlichman (2017).
An article on channel 10- Oshrat Kotler magazine in the matter of the pollution in the Yarkon – “From a restored river to a sewage channel: this is how the Yarkon became the gush of the Gush Dan” by Avi Amit (2017).
An Article published on Kikar in the matter of the pollution in the Yarkon – “Thousands of fish have died in Yarkon due to effluent discharge” by Daniel Hertz (2017).
An Article published on Ynet in the matter of the pollution in the Yarkon – “Thousands of dead fish in Yarkon: Prepare for a mosquito attack” by Itay Blumenthal & Attila Somfalvi (2017).
An Article published on " Ha-Aretz " newspaper - “Coexistence in Yarkon Park: Jackals and humans refuse to be enemies” by Moshe Gilad (2017).
An Article published on "Yediot Ramat gan" - “Why the jackal was killed” by Itai Amikam (2016).
An article published on Ynet – “Because of sewage discharge: Dead fish in Yarkon again” by Ilana Curiel (2016).
An article in "Time Out" about a wonderful little world (2014).